If you’re seeing an integration taking too long to share messages between your ServiceNow instance and your customer’s instance, follow these troubleshooting steps:
1. Check both instances to determine where the slowness is happening i.e. Target or Source instance. Check Outbound and Inbound messages on both instances. Observe if messages from the target or source are taking longer to process.
2. Next, check to see if there was an issue with any of the scheduled jobs, Subscriber or Multioutput Processing Job. Check to see if these jobs are executing periodically as per their setting in the sys_trigger table.

Once you have confirmed this, you can check the following to troubleshoot further:
Slow Queries:
Check the Average Execution time. It should not be more than a millisecond.

Transform Map History:
Check the Transform History table to see how long it takes to transform each import set table. The image below is an example of a transformation taking longer after a certain day where ‘Run time’ jumped from 0-2 seconds to 20+ seconds for each table.

Transform Map Logic:
Check to see if you can see anything obvious in the logic, ask client questions such as if anything has changed and if so, which part etc. This will help you further debug the issue.
Alternatively, you can export the logic for all of the transform maps and have it checked by someone in the team to see if you can optimize or provide improvements.