Are you having issues sending records from ServiceNow to Jira? Having incorrect tablemaps may be your issue. In all cases, the user needs to properly map their ServiceNow table field maps to match their Jira fields.
As an example, lets focus on the “Priority” mapping. Verify that your ServiceNow Priority maps (in the Source Script) properly reflects the same priorities from your Jira instance. Let’s say that in my Jira instance, I have priorities: Low, Lowest, Medium, High, and Highest. An example of a Priority tablemap’s Source Script would be:
if (current.priority == '1') {
answer = "Highest";
else if (current.priority == '2') {
answer = "High";
else if (current.priority == '3') {
answer = "Medium";
else if (current.priority == '4') {
answer = "Low";
else {
answer = "Lowest";
Where the values, “Highest, High, etc.” are representative of Jira’s priorities and numbers, “1-4” are of ServiceNow’s.
Don’t be afraid to take a look at your table maps when records aren’t properly sending to Jira.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Perspectium Support.