TCO Toolkit
Total Cost of Ownership is about more than just comparing purchase price. It's about evaluating all the costs associated with a potential solution in order to make a fair - and realistic - comparison of the long term expense options.
We put together this toolkit to help you compare the cost of using Perspectium to using other solutions for your integration needs. The toolkit consists of a whitepaper discussing the factors that should be considered when building out a TCO analysis, along with an Excel spreadsheet that you can use to build you own model. The spreadsheet is completely unlocked - so you can see (and understand) all the calculations used, and modify them as appropriate for your specific requirements.
Of course, we would love the opportunity to walk through this spreadsheet with you, should you find that useful. Just call us on the number below, click on the CONTACT US button at the top of your screen or chat with our little robot in the corner of your screen!
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