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Perspectium Blog

ServiceNow Integration information and best practices, from
official ServiceNow Integration Partners and experts.

ServiceNow Data Archiving: Common Fears, Concerns and How to Resolve Them

A well-defined process for ServiceNow data archiving helps manage growing data volumes, improve ServiceNow’s performance and support organization’s efforts to comply with data regulations.  Despite the benefits, many organizations associate a number of common fears and concerns with the process. This article provides an overview of ServiceNow’s in-built archiving capabilities, the limitations, fears and concerns associated with them, and the solutions that help organizations overcome such issues.  Table of contents: ServiceNow Data Archiving: The Basics…


Video: Integration Solutions for DevOps

With seamless integration between development and the Service Desk, IT can resolve problems and deliver new solutions in the shortest possible time, creating a competitive advantage for the business. This is DevOps at its best. Watch to see how you can integrate the service process between IT operations and development, improving productivity and business performance….


Video: Incident Integration

Incident management is not just for IT. What happens when you integrate ITSM processes across the organization? Watch to see its effects on productivity, customer service, employee morale, and a business’s bottom line.  To see how real companies are integrating for better service management, download our collection of business stories.


Video: Knowledge Integration for Service Providers

As a service provider onboarding a new customer, do you need to recreate that customer’s knowledge base through manual efforts? What could you do with those hours if instead you could automatically create a copy of a new customer’s knowledge base? Watch the video below to learn how to be more competitive in the MSP…


Video: Why Your ETL Tool is Broken

For years ETL tools have been a standard approach for data integration mainly because there simply haven’t been any better options. But the 1970s were almost 50 years ago, and now there are better options. Watch to learn about the modern way to integrate applications, databases, and suppliers.


The Case for Integration as a Service

The turn of the millennium saw a rise of software as a service (SaaS). Until then, companies used applications locally installed on each computer to drive most of their business. But as companies partnered with vendors who offered SaaS, those companies did so to gain a number of benefits. Benefits of “As a Service” If…


Video: Ensuring the Success of Your Integrations

A good integration provider offers end-to-end service. But you can gain even more business value by following some simple steps. Watch the video below for five ways to help ensure that your integrations thrive. Click for more:


Your Complete Source on Data Integration for Service Management

What’s the big deal about working with inaccurate data? Let’s say that your enterprise wants to cross-sell to your current customers. But you wish to wait to do so for those particular customers who have open incidents with you. If your company’s ITSM app does not update your reporting database in time, what kind of…


Incorporating Amazon Web Services in Service Management

Aiming for excellence in service management, you understand the importance of satisfying customers through a great customer experience. In fact, the Harvard Business Review reports that customers who have a great experience are 31% more likely to continue giving business than customers who have a poor experience. But in service management, IT professionals face obstacles…


Overcoming Hurdles to Integration Scalability

When dealing with automation, IT leaders are aware that stumbling at any point along the paths in the automated system will impair that whole system. They want seamless connectivity that continues to function as the number of integration endpoints grow and as the volume of transferred data grows. Unfortunately, when it comes to the typical…


Video: The Most Common Threats to Your Integrations

Taking a moment to consider why prior integrations fail can help you plan better for what a successful integration solution will look like, what is necessary for the next integration to thrive, and what business value it will deliver. Watch the video below for the five most common threats to integrations. Click for white paper: Connection…


How Better Reporting Helped Reduce Resolution Duration by 76%

Leading the Customer Services department at Perspectium, I value clear visibility into customer needs and into my staffing to meet those needs. That desired visibility is common among customer-support directors. Their departments measure the capacity and the velocity of their organization, in order to answer questions, including . . . Am I properly staffed? Do…


Relieve the Uncertainty Over the Performance of Your Integrations

A unique ability that humans have is making intricate plans for the future. But along with envisioning the future elaborately, we can also worry over the future deeply. (Yet another reason to be jealous of your pets.) We plan service management integrations for future success, but they also present discomforting opportunities for uncertainty. Why You…